Course “Digital Analysis of Prosopographical Data”
Venue: School of Arabic Studies (EEA-CSIC)
Taught by Maxim Romanov (Universität Hamburg), with the collaboration of Covadonga Baratech Soriano (ILC-CSIC), Alicia González Martínez (Universität Hamburg) and Hamid Reza Hakimi (Universität Hamburg)
Organized by Mayte Penelas (EEA-CSIC) and Maxim Romanov (Universität Hamburg).
Secretary of the course: Víctor Ropero (EEA, CSIC)
This course is designed to provide a practical introduction to the R programming language, with a specific focus on analyzing prosopographical data for historians. The primary dataset we will study in this course is the Prosopografía de ulemas de al-Andalus (PUA) Project which contains the most extensive information on Muslim scholars from al-Andalus. It is is organized within the framework of the projects Al-Andalus and the Magrib in the Islamic East: mobility, migration and memory, AMOI-II (PID2020-116680GB-I00, funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and The Evolution of Islamic Societies (c.600-1600 CE): Algorithmic Analysis into Social History (funded by the German Research Foundation [DFG] within the framework of the Emmy Noether Program).
For further information, please contact us at