Castaño González

Investigador Científico de OPIS
Dept. of Jewish and Islamic Studies
Jews and Muslims in Mediterranean Social Networks: Sources and Contexts (REDMED)
916022413 / Extensión interna: 441361

Javier Castaño is a historian of medieval and early modern Jewry educated at University Complutense of Madrid, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Harvard University. Previous to his current position at the Spanish National Research Council, he taught at the universities of Jerusalem and Madrid. His research interests include the society, economy, and culture of Iberian Jews. More recently, he has become interested in the processes of religious conversion during the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries. He heads the Ginze Sefarad project, editing and studying Jewish documents in Hebrew script preserved in archives and libraries across Spain and Portugal.

Función actual y titulación

Investigador Científico, historia de los judíos en España, CSIC, Madrid.

Doctor en historia, licenciado en filología hebrea y en historia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).


Carrera profesional

2016-presente, co-director del proyecto «Jewish Cultures across Mediterranean Europe» (CSIC-UCM).

2015 (febrero-junio), Dorset Visiting Fellow, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University of Oxford.

2014 (octubre) - 2015 (marzo), Visiting Professor, Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2013-2017, investigador principal del proyecto Guinzé Sefarad. Edición y estudio de documentos históricos y textos halájicos hebreos y aljamiados, MINECO, plan nacional I+D+i.

2010 (septiembre) - 2011 (junio), Maurice Amado Research Fellow, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, Philadelphia.

2009 (febrero-marzo), directeur d’études associé, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.

2006-2015, director de Sefarad. Revista de estudios hebraicos y sefardíes, CSIC.

1998-2002, profesor asociado, Departamento de Estudios Hebreos y Arameos, UCM.

1996-97, Senior Fellow, Center for the Study of World Religions, Harvard University.

1995-97, Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University.

1994, defensa de tesis doctoral bajo la dirección del Prof. M.-A. Ladero Quesada, UCM (Las comunidades de judíos en el obispado de Sigüenza en el siglo xv: vida social y económica).

1993-95, Teaching and Research Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1992-93, Golda Meir Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

1991-92, Teaching Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Specialization field
History of the Jews in Spain

Recient publications

«Entangled Dowries of Converts in Transition in Early Modern Navarre», en A. Bar-Levav & C. D. Stuczynski (eds.), The Path to Modernity. Festschrift Yosef Kaplan (Jerusalem: The Zalman Shazar Center, 2018).

«The Orphans’ Portion and the Jews of Miranda do Douro in 1490», en Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and ‘New Jews’: A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann, ed. B. Feitler and C. Stuczynski (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 102-120.

«The Peninsula as a Borderless Space: Towards a Mobility “Turn” in the Study of Fifteenth-Century Iberian Jewries», en Ph. Buc, M. Keil & J. Tolan (eds.), Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe: The Historiographical Legacy of Bernhard Blumenkranz (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), 315-332.

«’Men of the Nations of Portugal and Spain’ in Ferrara: The Socio-Economic Iberian Background», en Conversos, marrani e nuove communità ebraiche nella prima età moderna, ed. M. Silvera (Firenze: La Giuntina, 2015), 191-201.

(ed.), ¿Una Sefarad inventada? Los problemas de interpretación de los restos materiales de los judíos en España (Córdoba: El Almendro, 2014).

«’Flüchtige Schimären der Convivencia’. Die Juden in Kastilien und ihre Eliten (1418-1454)», en K. Herbers & N. Jaspert (eds.), Segregation – Vertreibung. Religiöse Minderheiten und Randgruppen auf der Iberischen Halbinsel (6.-17. Jh.) (Berlin: Lit, 2011), 179-212.

«A Fifteenth Century Letter Addressed to the Dayyanim of Zaragoza», en W. van Bekkum & N. Katsumata (eds.), Giving a Diamond. Festive Volume for Joseph Yahalom on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday (Leiden – Boston: Brill, 2011), 293-306.

    Datos tomados de la base de datos ConCiencia

    castaño, javier (2019). "A proposito di ""Gli ebrei nell'Italia medievale"" di Giacomo Todeschini. A European History.". Quaderni storici, 161, 225-240.
    Javier Castaño (2020). La representación de la cultura material hispano-judía y sefardí en España. Raíces. Revista Judía de Cultura, 122, 63-69.
    Castaño, J. (2018). """Light at the end of the tunnel"": A Jewish confraternity, dowries, and charity". Jewish Quarterly Review, 108, 371-375.
    Castaño, J. (2021). Representing Hispano-Jewish and Sephardic material culture in Spain. Jewish Culture and History, 22, 308-316.
    Javier Castaño (2020). «Una obra reçia, bella y buena»: los capítoles de la reforma de la sinagoga Mayor de Huesca y su aljama de judíos (1469). Tamid. Revista catalana anual d'estudis hebraics, 15, 243-282.
    Javier Castaño (2020). ¿Cleanse Me from My Sin¿. The Social and Cultural Vicissitudes of a Converso Family in Fifteenth- Century Castile. En Bastards and Believers. Jewish Converts and Conversion from the Bible to the Present (pp. 89-111). Editorial: University of Pennsylvania Press.
    Javier Castaño (2018). Entangled Dowries of Converts in Early Modern Navarre. En Paths to Modernity. A Tribute to Yosef Kaplan (pp. 145-177). Editorial: Zalman Shazar Center Jerusalem, The.
    Javier Castaño (2018). The Orphans' Portion and the Jews of Miranda do Douro in 1490. En Portuguese Jews, New Christians, and 'New Jews'. A Tribute to Roberto Bachmann (pp. 102-120). Editorial: Brill.
    Javier Castaño; Talya Fishman; Ephraim Kanarfogel (2018). Regional Identities and Cultures of Medieval Jews (pp. 352). Littman Library of Jewish Civilization, The Liverpool University Press (LUP).